Author: Adrian Baudy

Good Doctors...Better People

Kidney and Nephron Overview Video

Here is a overview of the kidney and nephron for students and residents that may have forgotten. Again from Armando Hasudungan. -Adrian

GFR Explained in 15 Minutes

Here is the second renal video by Armand Hasudungan explaining glomerular filtration rate. -Adrian

Renal Physiology Made Easy

Maybe not made easy, but in honor of Youtube’s Geek Week here is a first of 3 amazing renal review videos by Armando Hasudungan. –Adrian

Board Review 7/26/13

Here is the latest board review from last Friday. Most of the questions of from NephSAP, with only 2-3 created by me. The plan is to post Nephrology Board-like questions to help prepare fellows for the in-service exam and national exam. -Adrian

Cholemic nephrosis

We recently saw a 37 year old gentlemen with his second bout of acute alcoholic hepatitis that presented with altered mental status, elevated bilirubin/transaminases, and non-oliguric acute kidney injury. We were consulted as the primary team was concerned about hepatorenal syndrome. We decided that the patient didn’t have HRS given that he had almost 900…
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Volume Management in ALI/ARDS in Dialysis Patients

There is often the discussion of proper volume management in patients with ALI (acute lung injury) or ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome). We are often called when the patients develop worsening renal function for whatever reason or issues with volume management, so I thought it best to breifly review both ALI/ARDS and volume management in…
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Swamp Fever

For the second time in as many years we have seen a patient with Leptospirosis at Tulane Medical Center. This is a fairly rare disease that we are seeing in New Orleans more often that we probably should. Part of the reason is that there are so many gutted house being renovated. People are exposed…
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Nafcillin Associated Hypokalemia

Recently a 53 year old male was admitted to the ED with weakness that progressively worsened over the last 3 weeks. The patient had a history of Hep C and cirrhosis and was sent in by his hepatologist for the weakness which was initially thought to be due to symptomatic anemia. The patient had a history of…
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When The Anion Gap Leads You Astray

Here is a great review of when the anion gap goes wrong. It goes thought the pitfalls of the serum anion gap and delta delta (aka delta) gap. Overall they are still great inexpensive clinical tools that can help evaluate acid base abnormalities. Serum Anion Gap:Uses and Limitations