Author: Adrian Baudy

Good Doctors...Better People

Initial Evaluation of Hyponatremia

Today I want to quickly touch on the initial evaluation for hyponatremia. I’ll leave the full discussion to someone much smarter than me and with more time to spare. There are several approaches to evaluating and working up hyponatremia but here is one that is fairly quick and helpful to the housestaff. Step 1: Is…
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Differential Diagnosis of Renal Dysfunction and HIV

  This week we had an interesting patient that present several months ago with HIV/AIDS with very low CD4 count off HAART for the last several years. The patient presents with nephrotic syndrome with lower extremity edema, normal renal function, and 13 grams proteinuria/day. Renal biopsy was done and showed membranoproliferative pattern with “full house”…
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