Category: Hematuria

Good Doctors...Better People

Monoclonal Gammopathy of Renal Significance (MGRS)

This is a quick powerpoint/google slide of a MGRS presentation I did on last week for grand rounds. It probably isn’t super effective without the audio so I may convert it to full out post once I get some time. But there are about 10 solid (at least to me) MGRS/MGUS questions to help quickly…
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Loin Pain Hematuria Syndrome

Here is a great review of Loin Pain Hematuria Syndrome from one of our fellows, Saqib Syed. Bullet Points Mostly women Diagnosis of Exclusion (rule out infection, glomerular disease, stones, tumor, cyst, cystitis, AV malformation, hemangioma, ureteral pathology, coagulopathy, and factious disease. One of the few disease where nephrectomy and autotransplantation are may be indicated…
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Differential Diagonosis of Day (3D) – Glomerular Causes of Hematuria

Today is a quick review of glomerular causes of hematuria without proteinuria, renal insufficiency, or RBC cast. IgA Nephropathy Thin Basement Membrane Nephropathy Hereditary Nephritis (Alport’s) Histologically normal glomeruli Nonetheless, the role of renal biopsy in the evaluation of asymptomatic hematuria in patients without proteinuria, hypertension, or kidney insufficiency is unclear. But it appears that…
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Alport's Syndrome and Thin Basement Membrane Nephropathy

Great Alport’s Syndrome and TBM Nephropathy