Category: Physiology

Good Doctors...Better People

Potassium and Blood Pressure

Ask anyone that knows me can tell you I love potassium. Its physiology, treatment of its disturbances, and its magical effects. I’ve also used it myself in my armamentarium to treat my own hypertension. When I tell people I sprinkle potassium on everything, the look at me like I’m crazy but potassium has some impressive…
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Aldosterone Escape vs Aldosterone Breakthrough

I recently came across the concept of aldosterone breakthrough in my readings and confused it with aldosterone escape, so I though it would be a good topic to clear up really quickly. Aldosterone Escape This concept explains why we don’t ever see edema in our primary hyperaldosteronism patients. Remember aldosterone typically causes an initial decrease…
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Kidney and Nephron Overview Video

Here is a overview of the kidney and nephron for students and residents that may have forgotten. Again from Armando Hasudungan. -Adrian

GFR Explained in 15 Minutes

Here is the second renal video by Armand Hasudungan explaining glomerular filtration rate. -Adrian

Renal Physiology Made Easy

Maybe not made easy, but in honor of Youtube’s Geek Week here is a first of 3 amazing renal review videos by Armando Hasudungan. –Adrian