Category: Sodium

Good Doctors...Better People

Water and Sodium Lecture Videos

Here are some simplified lectures on water and sodium disorders for the second year medical students at Tulane University SOM.     -Adrian Baudy

Chloride Shunt

Here is a quick review of how the “chloride shunt” first described by Batlle et al in 1981 occurs. This can cause a voltage-dependent type of hyperkalemic distal renal tubular acidosis. In the cortical collecting duct, Na+ enters from the tubular lumen into the principal cell through the epithelial Na+ channel, ENaC. This electrogenic transport…
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Dietary Restrictions for Patients With Nephrotic Syndrome

“What should I eat?” And “Should I avoid protein since I’m losing it in my urine?” These are questions that I often hear my patients with nephrotic syndrome ask. So today I decided to do a quick review to answer those questions in the clinic and on the wards. Sodium Sodium restriction has been shown…
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Water Metabolism Part II

Here is part 2 of Dr. Belinda Lee’s water metabolism presentation.

Physiology Pearls – The Edelman Equation

The “oysters and pearls” appetizer at Criollo. If you’ve sent any considerable amount of time trying to figure out hyponatremia (or any sodium physiology) there is a good chance that you’ve ran into the Androgue-Madrias Formula. They were able to predict the changes in serum sodium based on the concentration of the fluid being infused…
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Water Metabolism Part I

Here is a great presentation from Dr. Belinda Lee.

Nafcillin Associated Hypokalemia

Recently a 53 year old male was admitted to the ED with weakness that progressively worsened over the last 3 weeks. The patient had a history of Hep C and cirrhosis and was sent in by his hepatologist for the weakness which was initially thought to be due to symptomatic anemia. The patient had a history of…
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Initial Evaluation of Hyponatremia

Today I want to quickly touch on the initial evaluation for hyponatremia. I’ll leave the full discussion to someone much smarter than me and with more time to spare. There are several approaches to evaluating and working up hyponatremia but here is one that is fairly quick and helpful to the housestaff. Step 1: Is…
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