Tag: Board Review

Good Doctors...Better People

Nephrology Practice Board Questions – FSGS

As I’ve been studying I’ve been trying to make up questions of information that I found to be important or interesting (at least to me). These questions and those to follow are a random grouping of  multiple choice, true/false, or guess what I’m thinking. 1.) Collapsing FSGS is associated with what disease/drugs? 2.) Which monosaccharide…
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Nephrology Board Review – Membranous Nephropathy

1.) How many histologic stages of Membranous Nephropathy are there? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5   2.) The stages correlate with the clinical manifestations of MN. A. True B. False   3.) Which of the following are podocyte antigens? A. suPAR B. Neutral endopeptidase (NEP) C. Paxillin D. Phospholipase A1 Receptor (PLA2R)…
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